César San Miguel he/him/his camtc no. 80842

César San Miguel • he/him/his • camtc no. 80842photo by Lauren Hanussak- laurenhanussak.com

I am the son of immigrants and as a Mexican-American I have deep indigenous roots in this land.

Informed by my lifelong practice of martial arts, various injuries, and ongoing struggles with mental health and chronic pain, I’ve developed an intuitive approach to bodywork that invites guarded muscles to open. Conflict arises out of anxiety and hurt; people who inflict violence do so from a place of fear. I believe that muscular dysfunction operates similarly: Tight muscles are guarding something, be it physical or emotional trauma resulting from injuries, habitual behaviors, or the curve balls life throws our way. Applying excessive force triggers the fight/flight/freeze response, causing the body to harden. Therefore, I use gentle, firm touch to communicate a message of safety.

I started Inclusive Massage East Bay to support people in their search for balance on the physical, mental, and emotional planes via a trauma informed approach. All three are intimately linked: When one is out of alignment, the other two are compromised.

What’s the difference between a good massage and a great massage?

Photo by Lauren Hanussak- laurenhanussak.com

Disrobing and (literally) placing your body in the hands of a stranger takes an incredible amount of vulnerability. Multiply that ten-fold if you struggle with body image, and one hundred-fold if you are trans or genderqueer. How can I, as your massage therapist, create a space that invites you to melt into my table?

Expertise in anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, body mechanics, etc. is necessary to be a good massage therapist, but even all of that is ultimately insufficient if we want to truly offer our clients the space to heal. Perhaps the key lies in cultivating compassion. Perhaps the key lies in looking inside and resolving my own internal struggles and biases. I am committed to both pursuits and acknowledge that I will err here and there on my journey to be the best massage therapist I can be for each one of you. I believe that this commitment makes the difference between good and great.

I am not a healer. I am simply working to become someone who can help you feel safe in your vulnerability, whatever its source may be. At best, I am a facilitator of healing: The healing is accomplished by you, and you alone. I am honored to meet you on your path, and support your journey.

With love,


Photos on this page by Lauren Hanussak- laurenhanussak.com